Tech Brigade has been running as a friendly and informal Airsoft site at a woodland arena in South Hertfordshire. As a group we have been airsofting for close to 25 years, so it is with a heavy heart and great sadness that we have to announce that Tech Brigade will no longer be running Airsoft game days at Warren Wood. Sadly a number of events have lead The Boss having to make the difficult decision to call it a day and is stepping down from running Tech Brigade as an airsoft site.
PLEASE DO NOT USE THE WARREN WOOD SITE. We no longer have access to, or permission to use, Warren Wood. You will be trespassing. Please respect the owners rights.
I am sure that Airsofter’s past and present would like to thank Rob for the many years of hard work he has put in to TB and making it the best darn site there was to play at.
Team Tech Brigade will continue to exist as a group of players and if you want to join playing with any TB regulars at other sites check out the TB Facebook page and group.
It is possible that some TB players may pick up the torch, find a new site and restart game days. If this happens we will let you know.
In the mean time this web site will continue a while yet and we will leave the information pages in place as a resource to players. The details relating to Warren Wood will be turned off over the next days/weeks.
Thanks to everyone who ever played at TB and made it such a great place to play Airsoft.